Retail Projects

Downtown Core Redevelopment


City of St. Albans, VT
Dominic Cloud,  City Manager (802) 524-1500

Downtown Core Redevelopment

Site planning for urban areas is challenging due to the lack of space, the intensity of development, and limited options for stormwater treatment, parking, and landscaping. This project, designed for the City of St. Albans included three major new structures, a five story hotel, a five level parking garage, and a four-story State office building.

Cross Consulting Engineers was the project manager for the City, as well as the civil engineer for all three projects. We designed all of the site features, obtained all site permits, and performed geotechnical studies for each building. This project replaced a deteriorating parking lot, and three dilapidated commercial buildings and, played a major role in the revitalization of the City's downtown.